Youth Red Cross (YRC)
The Youth Red Cross u\Unit started functioning in this college during the session 1976-77. This Unit is affiliated to the Indian Red Cross Society, Bhubaneswar Branch, Odisha. The objectives may be explained as follows:-
a) Promotion of health.
b) Service to the sick and suffering.
c) Cultivation of International Friendliness.
All the students of the College are members of the Unit. The Programmes of Youth Red Cross will be chalked out and operated by the Executive Body. The Executive Body is elected from active members of Y.R.C. on submission of application one student can be an active member. The body of active members elect the Executive Body which will have a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Joint Secretary. The terms of office of the committee shall be one year. The deliberation in the Executive Body will be guided by the Counselor(s) nominated by the Principal from the teaching staff. The Principal of the College will remain in charge of accounts.