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The Science Association

+2 students may also volunteer themselves to be members of the Science Association. The name of the Association shall be SAMANTA CHANDRA SEKHAR SCHIENCE ASSOCIATION, Govt. College, Koraput.

The Aims and objective of the association are:
i) To promote interest among students in the study of Basic Science and the rapid advancements taking place in different branches of Science.
ii) To popularize science among the students and public.
iii) To organize symposia, debates, exhibitions, scientific film shows with the permission of the Principal.
iv) To arrange popular science talks by eminent men of Science.

All the members of the staff of Science and Science students are the members of the Association.


i) President Principal (Ex-officio).
ii) Vice-President To be nominated by the Principal from among the teaching staff of Science Department.
iii) Associate From Science Department.
iv) Secretary to be elected annually from among the Science students.
v) Asst. Secretary To be elected by the students. (The candidate for the Post should be from 1st or 2nd year Degree Science classes)
vi) Class Representatives

(A) One class representative from each Science class to be elected by the students.

(B) One Woman representative to be elected out of all the women students of Science classes.

The duties of the Secretary and Asst. Secretary:
a) To convene General and Executive Body meeting of the Association in consultation with the Vice-President.
b) To record the minutes of the meetings.
c) To organize symposia, debates, exhibitions and Science films with the permission of the Principal and to arrange popular science talks.
d) In the absence of the Secretary, Asst. Secretary shall perform the functions of the Secretary.

The Vice-President will remain in charge of accounts.
In case of any controversy regarding the Rules of the Association, the Principal’s interpretation is final and binding.