By the patronage of Hon’ble Governor of Odisha, Dr. A.N. Khosla the Education Development Society, Koraput and Dayananda Anglo Vedic College Managing Committee, New Delhi established D.A.V. College at Koraput on the 10the of August, 1968. It had a modest beginning with only seven students on the roll.
Today the College is amulti-disciplinary institution with humanities, Science and Commerce wings. The college started with I.A., I.Sc. and I.Com courses in 1968. The B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com courses began in 1970. Honours courses in Humanities began in 1975 and in Science, it began in 1977. In 1983 – 1984, Higher Secondary classes began and the Three year degree classes began from 1985 – 1986. Post Graduate classes in Odia and Education commenced in 1992 – 1993. In 2004, the P.G. departments were declared as centres of excellence by Berhampur University.
The management of the College was taken over by the State Govt. of Odisha with effect from 10th July 1982. In 1989, the College was declared a lead college. The college is affiliated to Berhampur University and managed by the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Odisha. The college has been listed under 2(f_ and 12(b) of the U.G.C. Act.
D.A.V. Junior College came into existence in 2001 – 2002. Teaching facilities in Arts, Science and Commerce are available here. It is affiliated to CHSE(O), Bhubaneswar.
By Govt. circular no. 30076 dated 06-12-2012, both D.A.V. College, Koraput & D.A.V. Junior College, Koraput are renamed as Govt. College, Koraput and Govt. Junior College, Koraput.