Department Of Education
Department Of Education
The glorious department of Education, govt. College Koraput, started with 32 number of pass students in the year 1972-73 aims at organizing and renovating the young minds’ intellectual ability hidden in them. Its object is to schematize the thought process of its pupil carefully. It nourishes the young talents with “GURUKULA” system. While preserving the traditional values of our motherland, it imparts teaching both online and offline by following the modern methods according to the model syllabus (CBCS) prescribed by the govt. of Odisha in collaboration with the University and UGC from time to time. This department introduced honors course in B.A level in 1984 with 16 seats and its intake capacity enhanced to 64 seats in 2015-16. This department started P.G in education in 1992-93 with 24 seats.Presently this department has 64 honors seats in +3 level. Our department fulfills aspirations of different kind of competitive aspirants through online and offline comprehensive questions and answers. It enhances the comprehensive ability of the students.
Our department have been producing many scholars since its inception with high moral human values. Our backward students get the opportunity to receive extra moral classes to uplift themselves through “A Rethought to life” and “Antardaha” (our online books in google page) in both English and Odia respectively. We inspire our students to read and present English poems through our online publication “Explore yourself”.
Our students receive special classes for personality building and national eligibility test examination along with their CBCS pattern University syllabus. Experienced teaching faculties and renowned persons very often visit our department to impart and share special knowledge to our students through seminars and symposia.
Student-teacher-parent relationship in our department is quite healthy .We organize student-teacher-parents meeting in every academic year for all 3 years honors batch to create academic awareness among students and parents. We organize regular seminars, symposia, webinar, workshop, parents meeting, poster presentation, Wall magazine, extra-curricular competitions and recreational activities to reassure the intellectual ability of the students and encourage our students by awarding prizes, medals, participation certificates etc. for their performance.
We conduct weekly test and monthly test to brush our students regularly and provides course materials through WhatsApp. Our department has five sanctioned posts. Besides performing the sacred teaching duty the faculty members do their research activity and publication work regularly.
Our department has produced several excellent scholars presently working in different parts of the country. Our department looks forward to create research and competitive environment among the students along with effective teaching –learning process. We are going to introduce learning earning scheme too in our department very soon.
Name: Sri Kobid Padhan (H.O.D)
Department: UG, PG
Designation: Lecturer in Education (OES-II)
Qualification: : M.A (Sambalpur University, Odisha) and B.Ed
Research Area:
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Contact No.: 8658921924
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Curriculum Vitae: View Details
Name: Mr. Sitakanta Panigrahi
Department: UG, PG
Designation: Lecturer in Education (Guest)
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Curriculum Vitae: View Details
Name: Mr. Niranjan Mahakul
Department: UG, PG
Designation: Lecturer in Education (Guest)
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Name: Ms. Saraswati Bhola
Department: UG, PG
Designation: Lecturer in Education (Guest)
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Name: Ms. Harapriya Sahu
Department: HSS
Designation: Lecturer in Education (Guest)
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Curriculum Vitae: View Details
Course Offered with Syllabus
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Workshop and Seminar
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