Common Room Association
The Aims and Objectives:
a) To create and promote interest among students for reading Newspapers and Journals.
b) To create interest among students to be involved in literary activities.
c) To help organize tournaments for indoor games.
d) To foster the spirit of unity, fellow feeling and fraternity among the students.
The Executive Body of the Association shall consist of the following:
a) The President – Principal (Ex-officio)
b) Vice-President – To be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff.
c) Secretary- To be elected from among the students.
d) Asst. Secretary – To be elected from among the students of 1st and 2nd year of Degree & 1st year of P.G. classes.
e) One Representative fromeach class and a Woman Representative from among women students.
a) The Association shall prepare and pass the budget for the current academic session.
b) The Association shall decide the Magazines and Newspapers to be subscribed to and the indoor games articles to be purchased for the Common Room.