The Commerce Association
There shall be a Commerce Association of the College called Commerce Association, Govt. College, Koraput.
The Aims and Objective of the Association are:
i) To organize symposia and debates.
ii) To organize popular commerce talks by men of eminence in the field of Trade and Commerce.
All the members of the Department of Commerce and all the students of Commerce are members of the Association.
The affairs of the Associations hall be managed by an Executive Body consisting of following members:
i) | President | Principal (Ex-officio). |
ii) | Vice-President | Head of the Department of Commerce (Ex-officio). |
iii) | Associate Vice-President | One member to be nominated by the Principal from among the staff members of the Department Commerce. |
iv) | Secretary | To be elected annually from among the Commerce students. |
v) | Asst. Secretary | – do – (The candidate for the Post should be from 1st or 2nd year Degree Commerce classes) |
vi) | Class Representatives | To be elected by the students from their respective class. Each class should elect one representative. |
At the beginning of the session, election shall be held to the different offices of the Association on such date and as the Principal may determine.
The Principal shall have the power to nominate any of the office bearers mentioned in rule 4 above if the office is not filled up in the election or if there is vacancy during the session.
a) To prepare and pass the budget.
b) Fixation of dates for different functions and all other activities to be conducted during the session.
c) The decisions of the Executive Body are subject to the approval of the Principal.
The Vice-President shall be in charge of accounts.
Duties of the Secretary and Asst. Secretary:
a) Secretary shall in consultation with the Vice-Presidents arrange all meetings of the Executive Body.
b) Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of Executive Body.
c) Secretary shall submit the demand for money to the Vice-President as per the budget approved by the Executive Body.
d) In the absence of the Secretary, Asst. Secretary shall exercise the above functions.
In case of any controversy, regarding the Rule and condition of the Association the Principal’s interpretation is final and binding.