The Students’ Union
The students’ Union will be called Students’ Union of Govt. College, Koraput. All the students of P.G. and Degree classes shall be its members.
Functions of the Union:
The students union shall remain the sole tribune of students’ opinion inside the college. Its function are detailed as follows:
a) To organize discussions on general, cultural, academic, national and international problems.
b) To organize debates.
c) To invite eminent persons to address the Union
d) To take up such other activities as proposed by the Union and approved by the Principal.
All the members can take part in the election to the various posts of the Union and other Associations on the guidelines given below.
The rules and regulations concerning the students’ union and other association’s election, functions and duties shall be nomenclature as the students’ union constitution.
The rules and regulations embodied/contained in the President of all associations shall have the final discretionary power to alter or enforce any of the rules of the constitution for the betterment of the college. The sole aim and purpose of these rules is to teach and train the young minds about the democratic system and procedures and build them as potential law abiding and conscious citizens of the country.
No reservation for any post in election shall be made on the grounds of caste, tribe, sex or class.
Provision for no confidence motion against any office bearer can be brought before the Pricipal for misuse of power or misbehavior. This motion may be accepted if one third of strengths of the college (+3 and P.G.) will support this.
Members of the staff:
The meeting of the Union shall be open to all members of the staff who, if they so desire, can take part in the proceedings of the meeting only when directed by the Principal and specified by the advisor.
There shall be an Executive Committee of the college union consisting of the following:
a) The President
b) The Vice-President
c) The Secretary
d) The Assistant Secretary
e) One Representative from each of the classes. For this purpose Arts, Science and Commerce classes are to be treated separately.
f) A Women Representative is to be elected by the women students of the College.
Functions of the Executive Committee:
a) The functions of the Executive Committee shallbe:
i) To draw up the program of the union activities for the session.
ii) To adopt the union budget for the session, under no circumstances money should be transferred to the office bearers. The advisor and V.P.s are liable to meet the expenditure and they are answerable for misappropriation.
iii) To undertake such other activities consistent with the objectives of the union in accordance with the constitution.
b) i) An ordinary meeting of the Executive committee will be convened by the Secretary in consultation with th e Principal and the Advisor. Notice of such a meeting with date, time, place and agenda, shall be given to members at least before 48 hours.
ii) An extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee can be convened at any time by the Principal.
iii) An extraordinary meeting of the Executive committee can also be convened by the President in the absence of the Secretary with the consent of the Principal.
iv) A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President or in his absence by the Vice-President or in the absence of both by any one of the members of the Committee elected at the meeting.
v) No meeting of the Executive Committee can be conducted without the Advisor.
vi) Fifty percent of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute the quorum
vii) The minutes of the meeting shall be maintained by the Secretary and a copy thereof shall be communicated to the Principal through the Advisor within two days.
The Advisor:
a) There shall be one Advisor and a number of Associate Advisors appointed by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff.
b) The advisor and associate advisors shall be present at the meetings of the executive committee and at general body meeting of the union. They will be assisted by helpful suggestions whenever necessary, in the proper conduct of the meetings. The President may refer to the advisor any rule for interpretation and the decision of the advisor when so referred to shall be final.
c) The advisor and the associate advisors may at any time during a meeting, at the request of the President, explain the scope and effect of a motion or an amendment.
d) The advisor may, if he is unable to be present at a meeting request the senior most associate advisor to take his place. He shall discharge all the functions of the advisor.
The President:
Any member of the union is eligible to contest for the President ship of the Union. The President shall preside over all ordinary/extraordinary meetings of the union. He/She shall be responsible for maintaining order and interpreting the rules. His/Her ruling shall be considered final except where he/she requests the advisor to give a ruling in which case the ruling of the advisor shall be considered final.
The term of office of the President of the college union shall be from the day he/she takes oath of the office till the test examination or university form fill up or celebration f inaugural function whichever is latest. In case of a candidate from the 1st year P.G. his/her term extends till the last day of the current academic year i.e. 31st May.
The Vice-President:
The vice-President must be a student of 1st year / 2nd year of Degree or 1st year of P.G. classes. The term of office of the Vice-President of the college union shall be from the date of his/her oath taking till the test examination or university form fill up. In case the candidate is from 1st year of P.G. his/her term extends till the last date of current academic session i.e. 31st May. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume all his rights and discharge all his/her duties.
The Secretary:
The term of office of the Secretary of the college union shall be similar to that of the President of the college union.
a) He shall convene and notify and arrange all ordinary meetings of the union in consultation with the advisor or associate advisor (in the absence of the advisor).
b) Record all the minutes of the meetings whether annual, ordinary or extraordinary.
c) Shall select and suggest topics for debate and essay competitions to be conducted by the union in consultation with the advisor.
d) The Assistant Secretary:
e) The assistant secretary must be a student of 1st / 2nd year of Degree of 1st year of Post Graduate classes. The term of office of the Asst. Secretary of students’ union shall be from the date of his/her taking oath till test examination or university form fill up. In case the candidate is from 1st year P.G. his/her term extends till the last day of the current academic session i.e. 31
The Women’s Representative:
The women’s representative to the students union may be a student of any class. Her term of office hall be from the date she takes oath till the test examination/university form fill up/celebration of Inaugural Function whichever is the latest. In case she is a student of either degree or P.G., her term of office shall extend till the last day of the current Academic Session i.e. 31st May (in case of a 1st year P.G. student).